(G) Hardener HP 150 for Aerodux 1 kg
Order number: | 41510 |
Produktart: |
Hardener for wood glue
Package size: |
1 kg
Prices include VAT plus shipping costs
1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method- Quick shipping service
- Parcel tracking
- Personal advice
(G) Hardener HP 150 1 kg
Super gut geklappt Top Ware
alles Bestens
…wie gewohnt, eine hervorragende Qualität!
… sehr gute Qualität, sehr guter Service!
Sehr gutes Produkt - der Standard im Holzflugzeugbau
Wie immer, alles bestens und schnelle Lieferung.
Wie immer schnell geliefert.
Aerodux und Härter - die besten Freunde jedes Holzflugzeugbesitzers. Hält Jahrzehnte :-)
Ohne Härter geht wes nun mal nicht. Deshalb die gleiche Bewertung wie beim Leim.
Zusammen mit Aerodux 185.
Sehr gutes Produkt.
Schnelle und felxible Lieferung.
Der Leim ist einwandfrei, verdient also ein \"sehr gut\".
Der Service allerdings nicht wirklich.
Zunächst wurde beim online-Bestellen das Porto nicht aufgeführt, was mir mit einem ganzen Tag (!) Verzögerung dann von Siebert per email mitgeteilt wurde, denn versendet wird nur nach Bezahlung des Portos. Ich habe daraufhin noch am selben Tag per paypal bezahlt und dennoch hat es sage und schreibe 3 (!) weitere Tage gedauert, bis ich eine Versandmitteilung bekam und am 4. Tag dann auch endlich das Päckchen mit dem Leim.
Bei Bestellung per Internet und Bezahlung per Paypal erwarte ich, dass ich wie andernorts auch üblich und möglich, meine Ware 2 Tage, höchstens 3 Tage später in den Händen halte und nicht wie hier, Montagfrüh bestellt und Samstag geliefert. Das ist ein Unding!
Der hier gezeigte Umgang wirkt wie die Kombination von neuen Medien mit der Einstellung eines Monopolisten: Keine Konkurrenz, kein Ehrgeiz, kein Einsatz für den Kunden. Das wirft kein gutes Licht auf die Firma Siebert!

1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method
1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method
1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method
1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method
1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method
1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method
1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method

1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method
1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method
1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method
1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method
1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method
1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method
1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method
1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method
1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method

1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method
1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method
1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method
1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method
1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method
1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method
1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method
1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method
1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method
1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method
1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method

1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method
1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method
1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method
1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method
1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method
1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method
1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method
1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method
1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method

1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method
1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method
1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method
1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method
1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method
1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method

1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method
1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method
1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method
1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method
Delivery time on request - Contact us

1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method
1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method
1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method

1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method
1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method
1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method
1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method
Delivery time on request - Contact us

1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method
1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method
1 - 4 workdays
Depending on shipping and payment method